Monday 14 November 2011

Comics..... go West my son!

A bunch of us headed to the comics West convention in Galway. While there wasn't a massive turn out those who did show up were so nice and welcoming.  The boys from Uproar Comics were sound out and chatted to us for ages.  They were telling us all about their comic Zombie HI and how they went about getting it out there and the tricks of the trade which was gold for guys like us just starting out. Their man Kevin Logue's a pure gent. Anthony brought his sketches for Nestor and the feed back was great.....although that's no surprise the guys been busting his hump for me and Mike since we started the Nestor project.

Also on Sunday evening we talked shop with a really good friend of mine Kelly. She said she would help us with the Abandoned Comics website.
 ((Link info on facebook here!/pages/Abandoned-Comics/301068763256088?sk=wall))  Its cool everythings coming together slowly but surely.

We gotten help and input from great  people I'm sure we've a winner on our hands.


  1. Hay man welcome also thanks for the kind remarks many appreciation looking forward to seeing some what els pops up here keep it up man toodle pip!.

  2. Howdy Martin!!! Glad you made a blog it'l be cool to see what ye post up, You should put up some of your sketches there really good!!! Charlene


    Heres my new blog
